Decor Room case


Decor Room


Paid Search



Paid Search Case


Wanted to streamline spending on their Google ads, improve ROI & start making a profit.

Our take

By focusing on optimizing the budget towards the most profitable products and reorganizing the account structure, we have achieved a stable spending with ROI positive results.

Results: February - August (2023)

+81% increase in sales

Months Feb vs Aug; €3.1K more in spend & €23.7k more in sales

+15% improved CPA

The cost per acquisition went from €52 –> €44

+31% improved COS%

Cost of Sale went from 43,5% -> 29,9%

Johannes Franzen (Founder) had this to say:

"Ciaso has been given free reins to manage our Google ads for the past year and has single handedly helped us improve our performance with an increase in ROAS by 100%"

Our Paid Search approach

We approach Search Engine Marketing through an inhouse developed system as laid out below:

Get going – The Basics

  • Basic settings
  • Google Analytics / GA4
  • Merchant Center


  • Keyword research
  • Customer analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Product feed
  • Ecommerce foundations

Ad setup

  • Campaign types and their pros & cons
  • How to structure YOUR account?
  • Creating ads
  • Writing ad copy


  • Optimizing campaign types
  • Optimizing ads
  • Optimizing products/feed
  • Landing page
  • A/B testing


  • Analyzing performance
  • Methods for scaling